Tuesday, October 27, 2009

IUI set for tomorrow...

Today's ultrasound showed one mature follicle at 18mm, and another smaller one at 15mm. So, hopefully at least one will release a nice, healthy egg for me! We go in tomorrow morning for the IUI. One more day, and then the wait begins.


  1. The two week wait is the worst part, but I'm glad you've got such a lovely sized follicle! I will be thinking positive thoughts for you!

  2. Here from LFCA -

    Welcome to blogging :).

    Good luck with your IUI tomorrow!

  3. Hope the IUI goes smoothly today. Waiting along with you during the 2ww. If all goes as plan IUI#2 will be Saturday for me. Welcome to blogging!

  4. Here from LFCA... Loads of luck for tomorrow! I'll be sending good thoughts your way! :)

  5. Welcome to blogging! Good luck with your first IUI! I hope it's the only one you need! =)


  6. I'm here from LFCA, and I just wanted to say good luck on your IUI tomorrow! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. :)
