Friday, December 25, 2009

The panic sets in...

I have "lost" any early pregnancy symptoms that I had. I also had some minor cramping on Christmas Day and the day after. I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning at 8:20 - they snuck me in because of the cramping. We'll see where we stand then. I haven't had any spotting, so I'm not losing all hope, but I know that's not a sure sign that things are ok. I am so envious of those who get a positive pregnancy test and can shout from the rooftops and "count on" a baby in the end. I know it doesn't always work that way, but I do wish I had a little more confidence and could enjoy this part of pregnancy. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow morning!


  1. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way. Please let us know!


  2. I totally feel you. I, too, have been nervous the entire time (the whole six days!) since my positive HPT. Hoping and praying that all is well and that the little bean sticks around a while longer (say, nine months or so?)


  3. Praying that all goes well tomorrow.

  4. I will be thinking about you... it really sucks when you get that positive, and all you can think is- now what? I sometimes HATE people that can announce it early on and have no jinx to go along with it!

  5. Praying for you!! I hope you have an amazing u/s tomorrow!!

  6. Good luck - hope things are just fine. Please let us know when you can. I'm thinking of you!
