There's a little bean in there with a beating heart. My doctor also did a pelvic exam and my cervix is "nice and closed". So, I don't know what the lack of symptoms is about, but I am going to remain positive. All is going as it should. The heartrate was 127 bmp, which I thought sounded a little low, but my doctor assured me it was totally fine at this stage. The baby measured right on target at 6w6d. And he is assuming that the cramping/pain I'm feeling is related to the huge cyst. Now it's at 57mm. I'm on pelvic rest to try to keep it from rupturing, and it should resolve on it's own by 20 weeks.
My next appointment isn't until January 18 due to our trip to Santa Fe next week. I have a long wait ahead of me!
When I sent the news via text to some friends, one wrote back, "Good things can happen to you, too, Tina, so enjoy it!" I know I tend to focus on the negative since it seems like I've had a "dark cloud" hanging over me the past few years. I am going to try to live each moment with this little bean positively. He or she deserves that, and so do my husband and son. They deserve a happy, positive wife and mother. Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and prayers!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago